Unique Facts About Cannabis
Are you in the mood to learn more about cannabis?
Then keep reading!
Historical records exist that date cannabis uses back to 500 BC in Asia. With a lengthy history and growth rates of legalization, there are many visible and not so evident facts surrounding the popular plant.
With so much cannabis information floating around, there are plenty of misconceptions that people hold.
This post's objective is to supply you with unique and fresh information that will expand your cannabis knowledge and give you a more clear perspective on the plant's history and current status.
Let's dive in:
Fact #1: Studies Suggest Shakespeare Was a Marijuana Fan
Were you aware that one of history's most beloved writers is tied to cannabis?
Historians can claim the famous playwright after discovering marijuana residue in Shakespeare's pipes at his famous Stratford-upon-Avon garden.
You're probably wondering just how this discovery was verified.
A particular forensic gas procedure analyzed the residue within Shakespeare's pipes to discover traces of marijuana in multiple pipes found on the Stratford property.
These discoveries can serve to strengthen the idea that there's a connection between cannabis and creativity as Shakespeare wrote some of his most famous sonnets while living on this property.
Sure, there is the possibility that these pipes weren't directly his. Still, even if these forensic findings aren't directly tied to Shakespeare, they again reflect how lengthy and storied cannabis history is as Shakespeare's death was over 400 years ago.

Fact #2: Marijuana Has Been Shown to Help Fight Cancer Cells
Cancer therapies often have some pretty hefty side effects that include:
- Appetite loss
- Pain
- Nausea
One of the most common ways cannabis is used to aid cancer patients is in the realm of appetite. Marijuana is known to stimulate a user's appetite, so it makes sense that patients undergoing treatment for cancer would turn to the plant for some assistance in maintaining normal hunger levels.
What's even more interesting is that studies are reflecting marijuana's ability to fight cancer cells themselves in addition to cancer side effects. A study published by ResearchGate indicates evidence that cannabis can slow the growth of cancerous tumors.
As more evidence continues to stack up supporting marijuana's ability to fight cancer, the chances of FDA approval for the drug as a legitimate treatment options increase. The American Cancer Society has voiced their support in studying cannabis's ability to help treat cancer.

Fact #3: Cannabis is Ancient
Traces of hemp have been found in ancient archaeological sites that date back 10,000 years in Taiwan. Old Chinese studies and records reflect that hemp was commonly used to make clothes, while Pen Ts'ao, a Chinese emperor during 2800 B.C., claimed cannabis to be an exceptional medicinal plant.
These ancient cannabis records reflect that there has been both industrial and recreational marijuana uses for longer than we might've first imagined.
Ancient Egypt was another prominent society known for its consumption of cannabis. There is a bit of a paradox with Ancient Egypt's historical use as modern laws currently prohibit the plant's use.
Common illnesses that marijuana is known to help include:
- Depression
- Glaucoma
- Inflammation
Ancient Egyptians used marijuana to treat all of the above conditions, which reflects marijuana's ability to be consistent in healing. Traces of cannabis have been found in famous mummies such as Pharaoh Ramesses II, which only solidifies the notion that cannabis was a regular aspect of Ancient Egypt.

Fact #4: Cannabis Can Be Applied to a Wide Range of Industrial Uses
The industrial use of cannabis tends to manifest itself in the form of hemp. The difference between traditional cannabis flowers and hemp is that hemp contains low levels of THC.
Typical industrial uses of hemp include:
- Rope
- Beauty products
- Food
- Oil
—and much more.
Here are a few countries that allow hemp farming:
- Russia
- China
- Canada
American's can import hemp products from other countries such as the ones in the list above.
Even though George Washington famously farmed hemp plants on his estate, plants such as cotton overtook the popularity and use of hemp in the United State's early days.
The United States Navy made efforts to campaign for higher hemp farming levels during World War II for additional supplies. Still, the government continued its strict laws regarding the plant.
In 2018, the Hemp Farming Act was put into effect as a means to legalize agricultural production and sale of hemp products.

Final Thoughts
From ancient to modern times, our studies only scratch how storied and detailed the history of cannabis is.
Through evaluating all of the unique facts we list about cannabis, it's clear that the plant continues to be put to use due to the positive benefits it can present to users in the realms of industrial and recreational use.
As cannabis legalization rates begin to expand, it'll be interesting to see how marijuana's history will continue to write itself.