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Rolling Papers and Pre-Rolled Cones – Pros, Cons, and Usage

Pre-Rolled Cones and Rolling Papers are designed to serve the same purpose. These products are a favorite with smokers who love to roll up their dry herbs and experience a soothing high. The primary difference between both products is the ease of usage.

As a dispensary or smoke shop owner, you are bound to have customers just beginning their journey into the world of smoking. You can always suggest pre-rolled cones to these customers as they are easy to use.

However, some experts too might fish for pre-rolled cones because of certain advantages it has. It is essential to be well acquainted with the pros, cons, and utility of rolling papers and pre-rolled cones to give the right suggestion to your customers.

What are Pre-Roll Cones?

Readymade cones that are made up using rolling papers are known as ‘Pre-Roll Cones.’ The best part of these cones is that they are uniform in size and have a perfect cone shape. Smokers need to fill up these cones with their choice of dry herbs, and they’re all set.

Advantages of Pre-Roll Cones

  • Convenient and Easy to use

A pre-rolled cone is capable of adding more fun to a smoking session, especially when with friends. If a smoker is too high to roll his next joint, pre-roll cones offer fitting convenience in such situations. This is due to their ease of usage.

  • A new and trendy item

Pre-rolled cones are available in many sizes at MJ Wholesale. Few cone-related challenges among the youth, such as the $100 cone bill or 2-feet cone challenge, have gained enormous popularity in recent times. You can stock up the most popular sizes of pre-rolled cones for your customers.

  • Smooth Hits

Cones provide smoother and pleasant hits due to their bigger size at the end. Also, if your customers are seeking to smoke a long joint, they must choose pre-rolled cones.

  • Less Preparation Time

A smoker is required to spare only a few minutes to prepare a pre-rolled cone, and the deed is done!

  • Beginner-friendly

Pre-rolled cones allow beginners to craft their perfect joints quickly. It involves only two steps

  1. Grinding up the flower.
  2. Filling the cone.

Disadvantages of Pre-Roll Cones

  • Expensive compared to rolling papers

A smoker can purchase a pack of thirty to fifty papers by paying out the same amount as a single pre-roll cone. It might not be the first choice of broke smokers!

  • Sold per Piece

Cones are generally sold as individual pieces and not as a packet. With rolling papers, multiple joints can be rolled at once. This can be a deal-breaker for many smokers.

  • Smash-able

They need to be kept safe at all costs in a tube as they can be easily damaged. The cause of this disadvantage is their conical shape, unlike rolling papers (which are flat). The smokers will have to bear in mind that the probability of their pre-rolls getting crushed increases exponentially, once it is out of its protection tube.

What are Rolling Papers?

The papers that are designed to wrap dry herbs into joints are known as ‘Rolling Papers.’ Your customers should know that the best type of rolling papers burn slowly and are easy to roll.

Advantages of Rolling Papers

  • Number of leaves

Each paper pack consists of thirty to a hundred leaves on average. If your customer is hosting a mega party, this is the product for them!

  • Portable

Rolling papers are travel-friendly due to their small, compact size and lightweight nature.

  • More affordable than pre-rolled cones

This is because, with rolling papers, the rolling process is carried out by the smoker. Beginners can also reap the benefits of this factor. Even if they waste a few papers in the process of learning to roll a perfect joint, it won’t burn a hole in their pocket.

  • Customizable

Rolling papers offer smokers unlimited freedom to control and select the size they wish to smoke. This isn’t possible with pre-rolled cones as they come pre-processed with a definite width and length. Moreover, rolling papers are available in various materials such as rice, hemp, and wood papers.

Disadvantages of Rolling Papers

  • Time-consuming

Rolling up a single piece of paper can eat up more time than grinding and filling several cones! Rolling dry herbs properly with shaky paper can be quite a challenge and a tedious process.

  • Non-beginner-friendly

Rolling joints is tough. And if the smoker is already high, it can be more of a task!

A beginner should always start with hemp and wood pulp papers as they are the thickest materials. Moreover, they burn fast than rice papers. An expert smoker is generally comfortable with all three kinds of papers.

What should your customer consider for a smooth smoking experience?

Here’s some more advice you can give to your customers. They must consider two important factors when they select their pre-roll cones or rolling papers.

  • Size

The size of the cone or paper determines the length of the joint. On the other hand, the burning duration of the joint depends on the thickness and material of the rolling paper.

Typically, there are two prevalent paper size options – 1.25 and the King size. The first size is preferable for a quiet, peaceful, and solo session. However, the latter is excellent for a fun joint smoking session with friends.

Cones are also available in these two sizes mentioned above. They can be found in thin, long, and exciting sizes, including 12 inches and 24 inches.


The overall smoking experience depends mainly on the material of the rolling paper chosen by your customer. The most popular kind is wood pulp.

Here are the other materials used for rolling papers and pre roll cones:

To cater to your customers and provide them enough options, you must stock up your shop with various rolling papers and pre-roll cones. These items are hot on the smoking market right now. MJ Wholesale can help you stock up on all kinds of smoking equipment requirements!

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