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Rolling Papers - History, Characteristics, and Usage

What Are Rolling Papers?

The thin paper sheets that are used for rolling cigarettes are known as 'Rolling Papers.' Smokers utilize rolling papers for rolling cigarettes with smoke-able substances such as marijuana and tobacco.

These papers can be made of various materials such as hemp, rice, wood pulp, rice straw, flax, or other rice-based material. They also come as bleached or unbleached variety, depending on whether any chemical is added during production for more potent hits.

The Origin and History of Rolling Papers

Numerous legends have credited 'Spain' to be the origin country of rolling papers from time to time. This was around the same time Italian explorer Christopher Columbus returned to the United States of America after completing his first voyage. On reaching America, he had many accounts to voice, with much tobacco to smoke.

Tobacco cigars started gaining wide popularity (that ended becoming a favorite) among the Spanish peerage class. On the other hand, the peasants didn't want to miss out. So, they used to wrap the residue of these cigars in newspaper and smoke till the very last bit of tobacco. Eventually, rolling papers were invented as a replacement for newspapers as the latter were expensive.

The inflation in the cigarette taxes in Europe and North America was ascribed to the immense popularity of rolling papers in these regions. As a result, the consumer base of cigarettes started utilizing rolling papers in no time to savor their tobacco hit.

Shortly, stoners joined the smokers, and the very FIRST joints were rolled!

Interesting Fact – Rolling papers were invented in the city of Alcoy, Spain.

How does one prepare a roll?

A ubiquitous question in smoking circles! If you too have many novice smokers, they might seek some advice on how to roll their first joint. Here's some information on that:

Ask them to follow these steps to prepare a roll.

1. Preparing the Filter

Preparing the filter allows the smoke to flow smoothly. A filter can be made from any thin, flexible cardstock such as business cards.

2. Laying out the rolling paper

Put the rolling paper circuitous on the table. The glue strip should be facing upwards at the furthest distance from the smoker.

3. Add the STUFF!

They must now add the herb/weed they wish to smoke. It should be placed in the middle of the rolling paper lengthwise, and there must be some space left near the ends.

4. Roll it up

They must pick the side that's closest to the body. The side chosen shouldn't be the glued one! Now they can fold that side over the bud and roll it into a tube.

Tip – It is best to roll it away from the body as it's convenient and more manageable.

5. Closing and Twisting

The final step involves licking the glue strip and gently pressing it against the paper. They must secure the herb inside by twisting the end without the filter. Ta Dah! Their roll is ready to be lit and smoked.

Rolling Papers – Main Characteristics

There two primary factors that a smoker considers when choosing their rolling papers. Here are those factors:

1. Flavor

The flavor of the rolling papers has been a hot debate topic over the years. While some branded varieties truly enhance the flavor of your paper, the critics believe that these make no sound other than harming the taste and the health of the smoker.

Not many shop owners know this, but the flavored rolling paper will always burn quicker than a non-flavored paper – That's a cost that smokers might need to pay for experiencing flavorous and luscious joints made out of dried weed.

In the end, it's always up to the smoker whether they wish to experience the taste of coconut, blueberry, double chocolate, or solely pure cannabis.

2. Size

If your customer is confused about the size of paper they want to purchase, ask just two questions:

  • How are you going to smoke?
  • What are you willing to smoke?

Depending on their answer, you can recommend any of the below-mentioned five sizes to your customer.

King Size

The King size is most preferred for a joint smoking session comprising of 4 to 5 people.

The primary characteristics of the king-size rolling papers are –

  • Easy-to-use and handle.
  • Offers better ventilation.
  • Provides a more significant number of tokes.

Your customers can also produce slim doobs for big groups using king-size papers, which are available in King slims.

Double Wide

Unfortunately, double-wide does not make it to the list of the most popular rolling paper sizes—the reason being their requirement of being rolled up nicely, and perfectly. The smoker will be inhaling vast chunks of paper rather than cannabis if aforesaid is unfulfilled.

Tip – Beginners should look forward to double-wide papers as a money-saving investment as it has a larger paper-to-marijuana ratio.

1.5 inches

This size is suitable for a group of three to four smokers, 1.5 inches of rolling papers can be used to smoke long hits. 1.5 inches rolling paper joints are bigger than cigarettes.

1.25 inches

These are one of the most famous rolling paper sizes. Extremely suitable for a group of one to three persons, 1.25 inches rolling papers are equal to the standard cigarette size.

Single Wide

If your customer is seeking a quiet, peaceful, smooth solo smoking session; the single wide size is the perfect fit!

The factors mentioned above, i.e., flavor and size, can play a significant role in determining the smoking experience of your customers. In the end, it depends solely on the customers which kind of rolling papers they enjoy the most.

Customers are keener on buying popular brands for smoking equipment, but some less popular brands are a favorite with some smokers! Thus, it is crucial to stock up on all kinds of rolling papers - to keep your customers happy. MJ Wholesale provides various rolling papers and pre-roll cones that you can buy in bulk quantities at the best prices for your smoke shop!

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