What is a Banger, Bowl, Dab Rig, Bong? Do you really need them all? — MJ Wholesale Skip to content
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What is a Banger, Bowl, Dab Rig, Bong? Do you really need them all?

Banger, Bowl, Dab Rig, and Bong: The Smoking Accessory Glossary

You must have often encountered customers seeking an explanation about different types of weed accessories and which one will suit them best. As a smoke shop owner, you will be required to answer your customers' most complex and some of the most straightforward queries!

While most accessories are well-defined and designed to serve a specific purpose, they can get confusing. Yes, even for a smoker! For example, a bong and a dab rig serve the same purpose and have a similar look. But are they interchangeable?

This blog will take you through the function, usage, and features of various smoking devices and accessories such as bowl, banger, dab rig, and the bong.

What is a Bong?

A Bong is used as a smoking and filtration device, typically used for smoking tobacco, cannabis, and dry herbs.

Interesting Fact – The Thai word 'Baung' (meaning – wooden, cylindrical wooden pipe) is the inspiration behind 'Bong.'

A bong consists of several components such as:

  • Beaker

The beaker of the bong is filled with a liquid such as water, juice, etc. The job of such a liquid is to lower the temperature of the smoke inhaled by the smoker. This eventually results in relatively longer and smoother hits.

  • Mouthpiece

A tube made of glass present at the top of the bong is known as a mouthpiece.

  • Diffused Down stem

It is the point where the beaker and mouthpiece meet each other. There's also a slide presentation at the diffused downstem fixed to the bong's bowl pack.

Tips to Use a Bong

  • Always ensure that the beaker and the mouthpiece are well-connected. They must be aligned to each other at the diffused downstem.

  • A smoker must perform two tasks simultaneously while inhaling from a bong – Lighting the piece and milking (filling it with smoke) it.

  • The slide must be tugged out before taking the last breath. This helps clear the smoke and provides smoothness to the smoker's hits.

What is a Dab Rig?

A dab rig or a concentrate rig is a special kind of water pipe or bong, peculiarly developed to consume dense concentrates through water vapor. Glass is the most commonly used material for manufacturing dab rigs.

Here are some significant components of a dab rig

  • The Joint

Joint is that element of the rig's arm that transfers the vapor to the bowl.

  • Nail

Nail is the most imperative unit of a dab rig setup and is situated at the top of the bowl. This is the same position where concentrates are placed for smoking.

  • Dome

An enclosure specifically created for putting over the nail is known as the dome. Due to the presence of the domes, the smoker doesn't lose any THCs or vapors while heating their preferred concentrates. This is done by keeping both the THCs and vapors together.

Tips to Use a Dab Rig:

  • The first step is watering the chamber of the dab rig, followed by lighting the dab nail. Till the nail is red hot, the smoker can prep their dabs, and then once it is hot enough, they can put oil on it.

    Dopezilla Dab Rig

Dopezilla - "Banshee" - 10" Dab Rig - Various Colors

What is a Banger?

A widely used dish for vaporizing concentrates on a dab rig or bong is known as a 'banger.' Bangers can be made of titanium, ceramic, and quartz. Quartz bangers are most commonly used as they are considered superior quality as compared to other materials.

The working of a banger is straightforward. The banger is attached to the joint of the bong or the dab rig. The concentrate has to be loaded on the banger once it is heated. After the concentrate evaporates, the customer can inhale and experience a smooth smoking experience. The best part about a banger is that it offers varied compatibility and convenience as it can go with both female and male joints.

What is a Bowl?

Bowl is an integral part of a bong or dab rig used to feed it with tobacco or dry herbs. It can be considered as the lifeline of a bong or dab rig. The bowl is equipped with three holes, all well-secured via a single airway.

The herbs are packed at this first hole. The second hole is situated at a close distance from the bowl pack and is called the rush. The third hole, stationed beyond the bounds of the other two holes, is known as the mouthpiece.

Smoking Tip – Smokers must enclose the rush after lighting the bowl. This will prevent the smoke from diverting anywhere else other than the mouthpiece.

Comparing a dab rig and a bong

The most significant difference between the two is that a dab rig is used to vaporize cannabis concentrates, whereas a bong vaporizes raw herbs. The prime similarity between both the devices is that they use the process of water filtration.

  • Size

Usually, the size of a bong is more than that of the dab rig. This is primarily due to their respective functions and designs.

  • Purpose

As mentioned earlier, dab rigs are designed specifically for consuming wax and concentrates, while bongs are more suitable for dry herbs.

  • Percolation

Less percolation is preferred in the case of dabs, while bongs reap potential advantages from as much percolation as possible.

While dab rigs and bongs are the devices used to smoke, nails, bangers and bowls are the accessories that smokers need along with their bong or dab rig to elevate their smoking experience.

Have you ever wondered about the statistics about bong usage vs other methods to smoke? 

To conclude, a smoker doesn't need each smoking device and many accessories for a smooth smoking experience, but it depends mainly on their expertise and preference. For example, they will get the best hits only with a dab rig if they prefer concentrates.

No matter which smoking devices and accessories your customers prefer, you can stock up your smoke shop with the best smoking devices and accessories by placing your order on MJ Wholesale at the best prices!

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