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Insights on Hydroponic Growing From MJ Wholesale's Owner

Hydroponic growth has taken off in recent years within the marijuana industry. 

Some key benefits that hydroponic growers receive include:

  • Indoor growing capabilities 
  • Increased pest control
  • Easier management of plant nutrients 
  • Faster plant growth
  • Reusable water 

—and more!

MJ Wholesale recognizes the growing importance of hydroponics in today's market. To learn more about that current state of hydroponic growing, we spoke with the owner of MJ Wholesale. 

Our conversation began by touching on traditional soil growth vs. hydroponic growing.

Question #1: Would You Say That Hydroponic Growing Is Now the Preferred Growing Method?

MJ Wholesale owner's answer: I wouldn't say it's preferred. There are still plenty of individuals who choose the traditional soil growth method. 

So why are some people still sticking with Hydroponic growing? 

While we cover the benefits of hydroponic growth in our "Stages and Products Needed For Hydroponic Growing" piece, we don't mention that some people choose soil growth for:

  • The straightforward strategy of hand watering plants 
  • A more forgiving growing process
  • Easier fertilization
  • Smaller container size 
  • Affordability

The above advantages are essential to consider when deciding whether to grow cannabis via the soil or hydroponic method, but the disadvantages of soil growth consist of:

  • Higher likelihood of pest invasion
  • Increased susceptibility to diseases 
  • A need for more water 

When deciding whether to grow cannabis using hydroponics or soil, consider your goals and resources. 

Question #2: What Are Some Common Mistakes That People Getting Into Hydroponics Are Likely Making?

MJ Wholesale owner's answer: Hydroponic newcomers can occasionally burn their plants. 

George went on to discuss how critical signs of unhealthy plants include: 

  • Weltering
  • Changing color (brown and yellow leaves are problems) 
  • Seed development 

Specific hydroponic systems are more complicated than others. Overwatering or underwatering your plants can lead to the above effects and slow the growth of your plants. Lights are a common culprit for burning cannabis plants. A solution can be as simple as moving your plants away from the lights or removing a few bulbs.

Lowering the room's temperature is another popular option for treating plant burns. Don't drop the temperature too quickly so your plants can acclimate adequately to the changes you're implementing. 

George noted that if the plants lose too much light, they can begin to develop seeds. 

Question #3: Have Hydroponics Helped Raise Purity Levels in Final Cannabis Products?

My reason for asking the above question came from a study I was reading regarding California's legalization of medical marijuana during the 1990s. 

After medical cannabis laws were passed in California during the 1990s, the purity of available cannabis was highly questionable due to chemicals used during the growing process. 

After posing this question, George made an important point: 

MJ Wholesale owner's answer: Whether you're dealing with dirt or hydroponics, both growing methods can produce impure plants. Use of hardeners and fertilizer blow up the plant, so use clean fertilizer. Lead and other elements can also contaminate plants. 

George expanded his answer by educating me that a plant's final quality is directly tied to the specific testing laws and regulations that a state imposes on growers. This state-by-state difference is the reason that people rave about the quality of plants in individual states while criticizing the quality of others.  

Question #4: What's the Typical Timeframe of Hydroponic Growth From Start to Finish? 

MJ Wholesale owner's answer: 7 days for the seed to pop up, go into the dirt, and start vegetation. Typically eight weeks or longer for the overall process. The longer the vegetation, the more product tends to be produced. 

Patience is vital in growing. 

Question #5: How Do You Harvest Properly? 

MJ Wholesale owner's answer: People can get a bit impatient during the curing phase of harvesting. The longer you cure, the higher the product's quality will be. A proper cure takes 2-3 months. 

While you're drying and curing the product, it's vital to regulate your growing environment's temperature. Check for signs of mold during harvesting as the molded product needs to be thrown immediately. 

Thank You to MJ Wholesale's Owner

Special shoutout to MJ Wholesale's owner for taking the time to speak about hydroponic growing. 

MJ Wholesale features an extensive line of quality products to assist hydroponic enthusiasts with quality growing and harvesting gear. 

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