The soaring popularity of vaporizers has resulted in a variety of different types of vaporizers being available in the market today. Dry herb vaporizers, concentrate vaporizers, hybrid vaporizers, and vape pens are some of them.
Dry herb vaporizers are used to heat ground herbs to the temperature where active compounds of the herbs get vaporized, and the user can inhale that vapor. MJ Wholesale carries a vast stock of dry herb vaporizers from top brands like Lookah, Pucker, Yocan, Storz & Bickel, Ooze, and Randy's brand.
The Yocan Vane Dry Herb Vaporizer is available in attractive colors and features a magnetic mouthpiece and ceramic heating chamber. The Vane comes with a cleaning brush and charging cable and offers precision temperature control. The Yocan HIT Vaporizer comes with an OLED display and has smart vibration. The Yocan HIT comes with a built-in stir tool and is available in multiple vibrant colors like silver, black, red and champagne gold.
Randy's ECHO Dry Herb Vaporizer comes with a 1200 mAh battery and has five different temperature settings. It has an approximate run time of 12-14 uses. Randy's ECHO heats in just 20 seconds due to its very deep baking chamber and has a mouthpiece attached by magnets.