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Let's look at the cannabis packaging and labeling guidelines State-wise-MJ Wholesale

Let's look at the cannabis packaging and labeling guidelines State-wise

Even though controversial, the naturally growing marijuana has given rise to a quickly growing multi-billion dollar industry. With the widespread legal availability of marijuana, its packaging has matured with time, too. No more clear plastic bags are used. Instead, manufacturers are increasingly moving towards automating their packaging process to give their marijuana products a premium, sophisticated look and make them appealing to consumers.

Importance to consumer safety

Consumer safety is one of the primary reasons for giving a lot of importance to the proper packaging and labeling of marijuana products. Most states require mentioning allergen and ingredient information to protect consumers and the company from liabilities. Proper packaging protects the product from contamination, damage, and degradation. Accurate labeling gives essential information to the consumer about the product's contents, potency, and usage instructions.

Before starting to distribute marijuana products to the masses, one must consider both the legal compliance and presentation of the packaging of marijuana products. Let us discuss some considerations.

4 Things to consider while choosing effective packaging

1) Differentiation through Branding

Primary packaging for the marijuana industry includes bottles, jars, tubes, vials, tins, and bags. You can differentiate yourself from the competition with custom elements by creating high-quality products with unique packaging designs. An eye-catching, custom-printed label added to marijuana products will increase customer appeal directly. The right packaging creates a good first impression that consumers retain when purchasing.

2) Compliance with Safety and Regulatory Labeling

The marijuana industry is growing constantly, and along with that, safety and regulatory labeling laws are consistently changing. Implementing new safety and regulatory labeling laws can lead to accumulating unusable packaging inventory, which needs to be restricted. Hence, the packaging must be revised regularly to meet the new regulations. Different states also have different labeling requirements, so it is important to follow the appropriate laws as per your state.

3) Compliance with Legal Requirements

In addition to labeling laws, staying updated on all rules and regulations related to marijuana production and distribution is also important. Legal requirements will differ between states. Occasionally, it is required to review the state's legal requirements to ensure your marijuana products remain compliant.

4) Customer Satisfaction 

Quality products wrapped in innovative packaging showcasing your brand identity build customer trust. Your labels and packaging could get them to choose your marijuana-based product over a competitor's.

Innovative marijuana packaging creates the ultimate unboxing experience for your customers. Your marijuana containers should be well-protected and simple enough for an adult to use. 

Marijuana Packaging and Labeling Laws

The marijuana industry is heavily regulated, and this applies to the packaging part as well. All the labels designed for marijuana products must comply with the rules so that you can sell them legally. 

One aspect to consider when designing labels is that location will dictate much of what you can do with your labels. Most states have similar rules regarding labeling and packaging marijuana products; however, reading through the state's specific guidelines is recommended, as some details may change from state to state.

Let's overview the guidelines and regulations of some states. 


Alaska became one of the first states to legalize the use of marijuana. Alaska has set out some basic packaging and labeling regulations that must be followed to sell marijuana products. 

A retail marijuana store shall ensure that marijuana or marijuana products must be sold in opaque, resealable, child-resistant packaging when the buyer leaves the retail section of the licensed premises. 


The legalization of marijuana has resulted in the establishment of new regulations for marijuana packaging and labeling in Arizona. Arizona's marijuana labeling and packaging rules ensure patients should get information like the dispensary's ID number, strain, amount, and batch number of medical marijuana, a health warning, and the date of manufacture or sale when dispensaries label medical marijuana. For edible products, the label must include the product's total weight.


California is recently starting to get its marijuana packaging and labeling regulations. The Office of Manufactured Cannabis Safety (OMCS) has introduced a series of detailed regulations related to labeling and packaging requirements for marijuana products. 

  • Packaging
  • The package shall protect the product from getting contaminated and shall not expose the product to any toxic or harmful substances. It should be tamper-evident and child-resistant. The package must be resealable to maintain child resistance throughout the package's life.

  • Labeling
  • The product should be properly labeled, written in English, and packaged in its final form for sale at a dispensary. The text of the supplemental labeling must be a minimum of 8-point font.


    The state has stringent regulations for the packaging of marijuana and marijuana products. The packaging requirements are designed to make sure that the products are sold safely and to avoid accidental ingestion of marijuana, particularly by children.

  • Packaging 
  • Product manufacturers must ensure that all medical marijuana is placed within a sealed package. It must not contain more than ten pounds of medical marijuana before transporting or transferring any medical marijuana to another medical marijuana business. 

  • Labeling
  • A label must be affixed to every package holding medical marijuana written in English and must include all required information before transport or transfer to another Medical Marijuana Business. Labeling text on a container must be a minimum of 1/16 of an inch. No Licensee is allowed to sell, give away, or transfer any Medical Marijuana that does not contain a label.


    Marijuana legalization in Connecticut is still in its early stages. A producer must need to individually package, label, and seal marijuana products in unit sizes. 

  • Packaging
  • The package needs to be child-resistant and light-resistant. 

  • Labeling
  • The producer needs to label each marijuana product before sale to a dispensary and needs to affix the name and address of the producer, brand name of the marijuana product, date of final testing and packaging, expiration date, and quantity of marijuana contained therein; all written in English language.


    Marijuana labeling and packaging guidelines in Delaware require a description of the packaging of the usable marijuana to be added, and information like the name of the strain, batch, and quantity must be included. It must contain the statement that "this product is for medical use only, not for resale."


    Florida guidelines state that all marijuana and marijuana products must comply with the U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970. 

  • Packaging
  • Marijuana must be securely packaged with a clear label containing important information related to patient and physician names, dosage, and a warning against transferring the product. Each edible marijuana shall be individually sealed in plain, opaque wrapping without depictions of the product or images marked only with the marijuana universal symbol.

  • Labeling
  • Legible labels should be used with all the required information.


    Hawaii's marijuana labeling and packaging guidelines follow the Medical Marijuana Dispensary System.

  • Packaging
  • As per law, packaging must be child-resistant and opaque. It must use only black lettering on a white background, and there should be no pictures and graphics. 

    It should have the phrases "For medical use only" and "Not for resale or transfer." Furthermore, the packaging must provide essential information, including usage instructions, "use by date."


    The use of marijuana was criminalized in Illinois as in other states in the United States, leading to a restriction that lasted for many years. Marijuana legislation and packaging in Illinois have come a long way after it was legalized.

  • Packaging
  • The packaging of marijuana products must be child-resistant and light-resistant. Harvested marijuana for dispensing must be packaged in sealed, labeled containers. 

  • Labeling
  • The cultivation center must label each marijuana product before going to a dispensary. Each label must be securely affixed to the package and written in legible English.


    In Maine, the use of marijuana is legalized. The state has set specific rules on the packaging and labeling of marijuana.

  • Packaging
  • In Maine, adult-use marijuana must be prepackaged in child-resistant and tamper-evident packaging at the point of sale. Packaging for multi-serving liquid adult-use marijuana products must include an integral measurement component and a child-resistant cap. 

  • Labeling
  • The adult-use marijuana and marijuana products must be labeled properly with all required details. The edible marijuana products must have a nutritional fact panel with instructions on usage and any other information required by the department by rule. Violating a federal trademark law or regulation or adding false or deceptive labeling is strictly restricted as per state law.


  • Packaging
  • Maryland's marijuana packaging guidelines state that packages of medical marijuana products be plain, opaque, tamper-evident, and, if applicable or appropriate, child-resistant. 

  • Labeling
  • A label for packaging medical marijuana should be added, which is written in English, and the letters must be at least one-sixteenth of an inch high. Qualifying patients or caregivers may request and get printed labels in another language.


    Massachusetts is one of the states in the marijuana reform, which is moving closer to establishing a regulated marijuana market.

  • Packaging
  • The packaging should be plain, opaque, tamper-proof, and child-proof. It must not have depictions of the product, cartoons, or images other than the logo. Each marijuana package must feature a clear label, including the patient's name, the RMD's details, quantity, packaging date, batch number, sequential serial number, and bar code when used.

  • Labeling
  • The label must be legible, firmly affixed on the wording and a maximum of 1/16 inch in size. It is for each package of marijuana it prepares for dispensing and contains all required information.


    Labeling and packaging requirements impact all the brands as marijuana products travel up the supply chain. Marijuana operators in Minnesota have to comply with several packaging and labeling laws that the government has established to protect consumers.

  • Packaging
  • Packaging regulations in Minnesota include that the medical marijuana manufacturer must package all medical marijuana intended for distribution in a plain designed to maximize the shelf life of contained medical marijuana, tamper-evident, and child-resistant packaging. Medical marijuana packaging must not bear a reasonable resemblance to any commercially available product.

  • Labeling
  • A medical marijuana manufacturer must ensure that all medical marijuana that is distributed is labeled with the patient's details. A package may add multiple labels if the information required by this part is not obstructed.


    Nevada is one of the states in the United States that has legalized the use of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes. With the legalization of marijuana, there has been an increased focus on its packaging and labeling. The product must be individually packaged, labeled, and sealed to ensure it is safe for consumers and properly regulated. 

  • Packaging
  • Any packaging containing marijuana products must protect the contents from contamination and any toxic or harmful substance to the product. The package must be child-resistant, and the container must be packed in plastic 4 millimeters or more thick. It must be heat-sealed without an easy-open tab. A metal crown cork-style bottle cap is used for sealing marijuana-infused products in liquid form.

  • Labeling
  • As per state rule, no single unit of marijuana should contain more than a 2 1/2 ounce supply of marijuana. A label must be securely affixed to the package and be in legible English. The text used on all labeling must be printed in at least 10-point font and not in italics. Each label must be 2 3/4 inches high by 4 inches wide.

    New Hampshire

    New Hampshire's regulations for marijuana packaging focus on ensuring that all marijuana is free of contaminants, thereby providing safety for using it and the quality of the products offered to consumers. Additionally, alternative treatment centers submit plans for safe and accurate packaging and labeling of marijuana.

    New Jersey

    New Jersey has legalized the use of marijuana in the state. Packaging and labeling requirements for marijuana products in New Jersey are specified in the state's marijuana laws and regulations. 

  • Labeling
  • ATC–Plant Cultivation shall place a legible label firmly affixed on each package of medical marijuana containing all required information related to the product. It shall not dispense medical marijuana if the package does not bear the label. 

    New Mexico

    The legalization of marijuana is rising across the United States. To ensure the safe and responsible use of marijuana products, states are implementing strict regulations. New Mexico is no exception, and it has set regulations to protect consumers from accidental ingestion of marijuana. It also promotes responsible use and limits unauthorized access by minors.

  • Packaging
  • New Mexico's marijuana packaging guidelines include that a manufacturer applicant must submit a description and sample of opaque and child-resistant packaging, which the manufacturer shall utilize.

  • Labeling
  • A label shall be securely affixed to all marijuana product packages. The label should contain details related to the entity that produced the marijuana, including the name of the entity, batch number or code, production date or expiration date, instructions for use, warnings for use, and instructions for appropriate storage.

    Rhode Island

    Rhode Island's marijuana labeling and packaging guidelines mention adding a description on the packaging of the usable marijuana.

  • Labeling
  • The label should include the name of the strain, batch, and quantity and a statement saying the product is for medical use and not for resale. 


    Many of the common marijuana products are legal to sell in Vermont. 

  • Packaging
  • A registered dispensary must package all marijuana in an envelope or other container.

  • Labeling
  • A label shall be affixed on the packaging of all dispensed marijuana. Labels should identify the particular strain and weight of marijuana in gram or ounce units. Additionally, the label should contain a statement that identifies "marijuana" is contained within the packaging, and it also says that the State of Vermont does not endorse the medicinal value of marijuana and that this product is not for resale. 

    New York

    The use of marijuana is now legal in New York State. The regulations are created to ensure the safety of marijuana products and provide clear information to consumers. 

  • Packaging
  • All marijuana products in New York must be packaged in light-resistant, resealable, child-resistant, tamper-evident containers. At the manufacturing site, the registered organization must package the final form of the medical marijuana product, which is approved.

  • Labeling
  • Each product label needs to be applied at the manufacturing facility, and it should be easily readable and firmly affixed with information about the registered organization and the product. 

    The department shall approve medical marijuana product labels before using it. Medical marijuana products must be kept in the original container in which they were dispensed. It must only be removed from the original container when a certified patient is ready.


    Oregon legalized the use of marijuana in the state. Distributing marijuana products in Oregon also requires that you know and understand the different rules and regulations surrounding the packaging and labeling of marijuana-based products. 

  • Packaging
  • If applicable, every container must have a principal display panel containing the product identity, net weight, and universal symbol. 

  • Labeling
  • Before marijuana is sold or transferred, a label must be affixed to the plant container that has details of the producer and the product. A label should be affixed to the container holding a cannabinoid product, edible product container concentrate extract, or tincture. A registrant must submit labels for pre-approval. It must keep all records related to the pre-approval process. They need to provide those records when the Authority requests. 


    Washington state has established specific requirements for the packaging of marijuana products to ensure consumer safety and product quality. 

  • Packaging
  • Marijuana-infused products and marijuana concentrates, in solid or liquid form, must be packaged in child-resistant packaging in plastic, which is four mil or greater in thickness and is heat sealed, which can not be opened easily. Any container containing usable marijuana, marijuana concentrates, or marijuana-infused products must protect the product from contamination. Also, it should not impart any toxic or harmful substances to the product.

  • Labeling
  • Labels need to be affixed to the container or package containing marijuana topicals, marijuana-infused extract for inhalation products, or infused marijuana mix. 

    Ending Note

    The expansion of the legal marijuana market is creating new demand for packaging. Marijuana is still not legal under U.S. federal law; hence, production and packaging regulations are set at the state level. 

    As the marijuana market is growing rapidly, it is important to pay close attention to state-specific laws. Manufacturers must comply with local and state requirements and invest smartly in labeling and packaging solutions for business growth as regulations change.

    MJ Wholesale provides top-quality packaging solutions at wholesale rates. We also carry diverse smoking accessories and growing & processing tools at affordable rates. Browse all our packaging collections today. Order the right packaging from our extensive collection to find a solution that will comply with the regulations and simultaneously amp up your branding efforts.

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