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For Immediate Press Release:

For Immediate Press Release:                                             

MJ Wholesale, a wholesale packaging pioneer has launched  an e-commerce app for the wholesale marijuana packaging & ancillary smoke shop  industries. 

A Leading wholesaler of marijuana packaging, growing, processing, and smoking equipment & accessories from Warren, Michigan took an innovative step with the launch of its new e-commerce app. 

Warren, Michigan: MJ Wholesale is a leader in wholesale packaging for the marijuana industry. MJ Wholesale has launched a cutting edge e-commerce wholesale application for the cannabis industry. This first of its kind application is currently available for download on both Apple and Android devices and can be found in their respective app stores. 

MJ Wholesale now offers an innovative and unique perspective for wholesale shopping with its new e-commerce wholesale app launch. The innovative MJ Wholesale app will allow growers, processors, head shops, and dispensaries  to easily place orders through their mobile devices with the click of a button.  

Here are a few guidelines and benefits for businesses looking to download and explore the new app. 

  • The app can be downloaded by scanning the QR code below or by visiting https://mjwholesale.com/appdownload from any mobile device or tablet. 
  • New customers must first create an account on www.mjwholesale.com.  A valid tax ID is required before customers can proceed with purchases on the app.
  • MJ Wholesale customers will receive promos before they hit the site! Exclusive promos only through the app and faster order processing, which can lead to faster delivery!
MJ Wholesale App Download QR Code


About MJ Wholesale: MJ Wholesale is a leading wholesale supplier of marijuana growing, processing packaging, and smoking equipment & accessories. Originally established in 2015 as HGR packaging, MJ Wholesale has been successfully providing  growers, processors, dispensaries, and head shops with the products they need for nearly a decade.  

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