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Branding Trends & How Packaging Helps

Branding Trends & How Packaging Helps

What’s Changing?

With legalization, and the industry budding quickly, it’s hard to stand out in the crowd of emerging brands. But as markets grow, so do industry trends that many are following to spotlight their individual company. Much of this coinciding with the outer appearance or packaging of products. Let’s take a look at the latest branding trends and how packaging, or wholesale suppliers, can help

Green is the new black

Attempting to appear as popular ‘raw’ or ‘organic’ trends, green is the color to be in the industry today. Which makes sense, given that healthy plants are green in color, too.

But the green aesthetic is more than just targeting stoner stereotypes. The color delivers a brand image of being from a source of nature. With many looking to be more organic in their general lifestyle, this helps brands be pleasing to the growing ‘natural’ population. 

Branding Trends & How Packaging Helps

Health Focused

Similarly to being ‘green’, a number of brands are now emerging with health-focused branding themes. A growing number of consumers are using for health benefits, and brands are increasingly focusing efforts to that niche.

To add, medicine is still far more accepted than recreational use. In the number of States who have legalized medical vs recreational, as well. So diverting efforts to health-minded consumers provide brands with overall larger target markets, too. 


Many brands are using the familiar ‘health’ cross symbol in logos and design and moving to more pharmaceutical type packaging to achieve this goal. This includes screw-top vials and pharmacy/exit bags. And don’t worry, MJ Wholesale has a variety of options for both.

Minimal & Cean

Along with the next trend, many brands are striving for sophisticated and contemporary looks to avoid common stereotypes with the industry. The clean and minimalistic branding goal also targets consumers looking to relax with the product, or use as a wellness aid.

This includes clean, modern fonts typically with a black or white color scheme to remain uncluttered yet ‘stylish’, too. In addition, the classic look also appeals to the growing number of women users


From simple black and white mylar bags, to sophisticated glass jar packaging, MJ Wholesale has you covered for minimalistic aesthetic and goals.

Upscale Luxury

Lastly, and again to remove stigmas with use, the industry has gone upscale. Luxurious design and exclusive or customized packaging, is giving many brands the high scale look they’re seeking.

More feminine appeal is seen in this trend, as well. Using soft fonts, and muted color schemes to again target the growing market of users. Which also works for an increasing number of specialized THC or CBD products targeted for women specific benefits. 

Brand Your Package

MJ Wholesale has the product line to fulfill all your branding needs, at wholesale and affordable prices. Whether you’re looking for an upscale look, clean and minimalistic, or mean in green...check out our selection today and begin trending in branding, too.

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