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Child Resistant Certifications for Mylar Bags and Blunt Tubes

Loud Lock Mylar Bags
1 Gram Loud Lock Mylar Bag Certification
1/8 oz Loud Lock Mylar Bag Certification 
1/4 oz Loud Lock Mylar Bag Certification 
1/2 oz Loud Lock Mylar Bag Certification 
1 oz Loud Lock Mylar Bag Certification 

Dura-Pak Certification
Dura-Pak Certification Polymer Sample Testing Report
Dura-Pak Certification Zip-Pak Safety-Lok CR24SL Zipper

American Made Ganja Blunt Tubes
Blunt Tube CR Certification 



Philips RX 
Blunt Tube CR Certification
Pop Top Certifications  
13 Dram Pop Top CR Certification
30 Dram Pop Top CR Certification
60 Dram Pop Top CR Certification

MJ Wholesale Brand
30 Dram CR Certiification 

What is child-resistant packaging?

Child-resistant packaging is designed to lessen the risk of children opening the packaging and ingesting potentially harmful products. Cannabis has become legal in many states across the United States. Child resistance should be the priority when you choose your cannabis packaging. Depending on which state you operate in, the regulations will vary. Still, one standard rule across the United States is that any cannabis container shouldn't be easily openable by a child under age five – and there should be official testing that proves it. 

Child-resistant packaging became prevalent in the United States after the 1970 Poison Prevention Packaging Act, which states that any packaging for household items that could be poisonous to children, like prescription drugs or cleaning products, must be significantly difficult for children under age five to open. According to this legislation, the cannabis packaging should be tested on a group of young children at an official facility. If the packaging passes the test, it gets a child-resistant certification. 

When cannabis was legalized in Colorado in 2013, cannabis dispensaries had to provide the cannabis product in exit bags to their customers. However, when the customers got home, there were cases where children could remove the product from the bag, leading to a safety risk. This led to modifications in the legislation, which then demanded all cannabis products to be sold in child-resistant packaging. This gave rise to a demand for diverse child-resistant packaging styles with locking mechanisms that could suit a variety of products.

Why are child-resistant certifications important in packaging?

In the United States, child-resistant certifications for packaging are essential, especially for products that may pose a risk to children. The reasons are public health and safety, preventing injuries, and ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations. 

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) has set safety standards for consumer products and packaging. It aims to protect children from any potential hazards associated with consumer products. Packaging for products containing hazardous substances or medications may be subject to CPSIA regulations of child-resistant packaging. The Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) requires that certain products like over-the-counter medications, hazardous chemicals, and prescription drugs should be packaged in child-resistant containers.

Manufacturers and distributors are obliged to ensure that such products are safe for consumers and inaccessible to children. They may face legal liability if a child is harmed due to inappropriate packaging. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) oversees and enforces product safety regulations and packaging requirements. The CPSC ensures compliance with child-resistant packaging standards by monitoring through inspections, testing, and enforcement actions. 

Besides federal laws like the CPSIA and PPPA, each state might have its own regulations governing the packaging requirements for specific products. These regulations often align with federal standards but sometimes also impose additional requirements. 

Why is child-resistant safety crucial with mylar bags?

Mylar bags are used to store different types of items like food, chemicals, and medication. They are ideal for storing all kinds of products because they preserve the freshness and integrity of the contents. However, they are not inherently child-resistant, which means they could pose a risk if children might access the contents. This is why mylar bags must be child-resistant and have special locking mechanisms to prevent children from accessing their contents. 

Mylar bags should have child-resistant closures like zippers and tamper-evident seals that are difficult for children to open. They should be appropriately labeled with a warning about the contents not being safe for children. Mylar bags should undergo testing procedures to ensure compliance with the regulations and safety standards.

When cannabis product manufacturers and distributors follow the above measures and ensure they use child-resistant mylar bags for packaging, they help reduce the risk of accidental ingestion of harmful substances by children.

Loud Lock Mylar Bags and Blunt Tubes

MJ Wholesale is the leading supplier of packaging supplies and carries high-quality packaging solutions like mylar bags and blunt tubes. 

Our vast collection of Loud Lock Mylar bags comprises mylar bags of various capacities like 1 oz, ½ oz, ¼ oz, 1/8 oz, and 1 gram. The child-resistant certifications for each of these bags are available for reference and download. The Loud Lock Mylar Bags are child-resistant, durable, efficient, and an affordable solution for packaging cannabis. 

MJ Wholesale carries a vast collection of Philips Pop Top Vials and Blunt tubes. Our selection of Philips Pop Top Vials is available in opaque, clear, and translucent varieties and different sizes: 13 drams, 19 drams, 30 drams, and 60 drams. These versatile pop-top vials are moisture-resistant and made of FDA-compliant material. 

MJ Wholesale's collection of 116 mm Philips Blunt tubes are available in different colors and are a child-resistant solution for packaging cannabis. Both these Philips products are made in the USA and are child-resistant certified. The child-resistant certifications for the Philips Pop Top Vials and Blunt Tubes are available for reference and download.